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AI is a winner but is it winning over travellers?

Analysts like McKinsey and PwC (as well as Bing and ChatGPT!) are keen to point out the immense opportunities and profits AI can offer travel.

AI technologies potentially hold great benefits. Optimised pricing, maximised revenue, better customer satisfaction and operational efficiency included. Artificial Intelligence can improve the overall travel experience, and, deal-wise, create more bang for a customer’s buck.

But as traveller-facing applications advance, we shouldn’t forget who we are here for.

While AI may be the all-singing, all-dancing tool to help craft personalised itineraries, and chatbots can make up for staff shortages by answering customers’ queries (a few hotels even employ room service robots) customers could have a different perspective. At least, according to a recent survey.

• Vast amounts of personal data are required by AI, leading to concerns about security and privacy. The National Research survey found that half of respondents worried about personal data risks. Seventy-seven per cent would not allow Artificial Intelligence services to access passport/visa information.

• AI algorithms can display unintended bias in pricing or personalisation – leaving some groups disadvantaged

• On the opposite side of the coin, customers may have unrealistic expectations and are disappointed when AI doesn’t live up to this. ‘Chatbot rage’ is an obvious example.

• R2D2’s cousin serving up your morning toast may be a novelty for some, but many travellers still prefer a human face. Artificial Intelligence famously lacks empathy, creativity and humour.

As travel providers eagerly adopt AI, maintaining a commonsense and customer-focused approach is vital for trust and confidence. Travel providers should also ensure they are transparent about how customer data is used and establish clear protocols.

Above all, travel is a human-centric activity, as McKinsey’s Alex Cosmas notes: “…we can’t suddenly expect that customers will prefer to interact through more digital channels than they have in the past…[And so] the best Artificial Intelligence, the best models, will be delivered through traditional channels.”

Journey Mentor creates products using AI and other technologies that enable humans to serve humans better, while optimising revenues and achieving operational efficiency.

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