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Revenue Management systems are outdated – how can you find a better route for you and your customers?

Are you always one step removed from your customers? Not to mention the competitors. Knowing what they’re thinking can be crucial. Easy to say, harder to do.

Airline reservation systems are costly and generic, having seen little investment for decades. Legacy Revenue Management Systems struggle in the digital age, while Global Distribution Systems (GDS) remain expensive and complex.

Despite the promising enhancements of New Distribution Capabilities (NDC) and initiatives like One Order for travellers, airlines, and agents, they face challenges due to low adoption, limited content, and industry resistance to change, keeping them as works-in-progress.

This doesn’t help, smaller airlines especially, who need to compete today.

Flight Mentor is different. It’s a right-now way to improve profits, enhance strategic goals, and offer a cock-pit’s-eye view of the competition for on-the-nose decision-making.

All Journey Mentor’s products aim to improve the relationship between airline and customer. Combine with Trip Mentor and Agent Mentor for truly personalised customer experiences and unique, automated swaps.

Whatever you want from your technology – higher profits, visibility over the competition, lower costs, happier, more loyal passengers, no-hassle value or something else entirely – why not see how Journey Mentor can help?

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