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Improved revenues from the word go

Price Mentor is the revenue management system for agents and travel companies. Dynamic availability technology supports competitive actions for better decision-making.

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Product summary

Get ahead of the competition

Price Mentor Monitor schedules and prices determine the impact of decisions and take actions ahead of competitors. Collect competitor and customer data.

Real-time monitoring, powered by dynamic availability, enables timely revenue decisions. Easy, intuitive workbench. Your customers will love it and your staff will be happy. Guaranteed to make CFOs smile.

Price Mentor is easy to implement and delivers results the moment it is installed. You can even free up your team for more complex tasks with an optional autopilot function. This takes simple actions based on past decisions.

Trip mentor iphone mockup

Compare schedules

Instant comparisons

Price Mentor uses QSI/Desirability Model a mathematical Quality of Service model. Responsive and accurate, it enables swift comparison of two or more similar services to determine their relative desirability.

Determines revenue impacts

Minimize risks

Wish you had a crystal ball? Price Mentor’s Revenue Opportunity Model lets you know the likely impacts of decisions in advance. Determines spill and dilution risks from any price change and calculates a revenue opportunity score.

flight mentor travel technology
Trip mentor iphone mockup

Suggests actions

Meet strategy goals

The Suggested Comparisons Model takes the results of the QSI, Price Comparison and Revenue Opportunity models. It calculates suggested adjustments to availability that will meet your strategy.

Increases revenue

Value right out of the box

Price Mentor increases profits from the day of installation. Unlike our competitors’ products, no calibration is needed. Actions are executed on current competitors’ prices and availability, based on real-time data.

flight mentor travel technology

Price Mentor improves profits and furthers strategic goals. Our customers have all the data they ever need in real-time. They will know likely outcomes before older technology has its boots on.

JamesCTO, Journey Mentor

How will you benefit?

Reasons Price Mentor is great for
agents & travel companies include:

Dynamic availability

Price Mentor allows instant availability adjustments enabling actions across all distribution channels.

Not just price comparisons

Based on QSI results, a matching algorithm determines the price to beat.

Journey mentor travel technology interface with dynamic availability
Mitigates risk

Compares spill and dilution risk to gauge the importance of any action.

Easy to use workbench

An intuitive, easy-to-use workbench enables a variety of sorting eg by opportunity or competitor.

A woman walks through the airport with a beige luggage
Hands holding blue passports with tickets
journey mentor travel technology

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