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Traveller smart solutions

From e-commerce portals competitors can only dream of, to managing suppliers, Journey Mentor’s ‘under one roof’ solutions maximize revenues and improve service.

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Airplane flying in sunset sky
Air details mobile version
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Make travel management more profitable

Does creaky tech endanger your customers’ satisfaction? Journey Mentor’s technologies smooth the journey, encourage customers to spend with you and boost revenues.

Innovative technologies

Ideal for you and your customers

Journey Mentor is a comprehensive commercial offering that brings innovative methods to power profits. Our solutions deploy technologies native to B2B, designed for SaaS delivery and multi-tenancy.

flight mentor interface
air results frame
iphone mockup with trip mentor interface

User-friendly interface

Smoother operations

Easy-to-use features that make adding new users or monitoring competitors’ offerings a doddle. Better shopping, booking, payment and management technology than online giants. Low set-up costs.

Multiple content providers

Hundreds of suppliers in one go

Advanced parallel processing capabilities (from AWS high-performance Lambda services) enable users to search hundreds of tours, hotels, car services and more simultaneously. Get the very best prices.

flight mentor interface
itinerary summary flight mentor
flight mentor interface
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Customers win, so do you

We continue searching for a better deal even after payment. If we find one, the customer can opt to swap to the lower-priced option and be refunded a portion of the savings. Your company and Journey Mentor receive the remainder as a reward.


Sales (+Agent) Mentor
  • B2B2C portal
  • Simultaneous search
  • Swap after payment
  • Add-ons – Tour/Supplier Mentor

Loyalty (+Money) Mentor

  • Asset-backed currency
  • Powered by Booking AngelR
  • Hunts rewards till 24 hours before travel
Price Mentor
  • Monitor competitors in real-time, take actions
  • Unique Revenue Maximizer TechnologyR

Frequently asked questions

What is Journey Mentor?

The travel industry faces unprecedented challenges that old technology cannot cope with. Journey Mentor has created an improved generation of systems to fix today’s problems.


How does it work?

We apply advances in parallel processing, communications, UI/UX and data management for faster, cheaper, more robust solutions. Technologies native to B2B, designed for SaaS delivery and multi-tenancy.

Just TMCs?

Journey Mentor is for the entire industry. Our products solve specific problems eg Flight Mentor for airlines, Sales Mentor for agents and travel management companies.

What do you offer?

We offer products like Sales Mentor. We also provide Shared Services – write once, use for all products, save time/cost + Professional Services that generate significant revenues.

Why Journey Mentor?

Our technology provides fast, robust and integrated solutions to a variety of problems. We offer several features our competitors don’t – like Booking AngelR and Revenue Maximizer TechnologyR.

How do we know it works?

Regular health checks assess how well clients’ operations, systems, structures and process are aligned with Journey Mentor. That plus training and consultancy ensures clients achieve maximum value.

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