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When New Distribution Capability (NDC) was introduced, many expected a fundamental shift in travel booking. More than a decade later, the results are underwhelming, to say the least.

NDC promised a more efficient communication protocol, with enhanced personalisation and a seamless booking experience. However, the anticipated improvements have yet to materialize fully and there are several reasons for that.

These include – slow adoption, interoperability challenges, regulatory constraints, and the complexity of the industry’s distribution landscape.

Let’s start with the  slow adoption of NDC across the travel industry. While major airlines have started implementing NDC standards, a substantial portion of the travel ecosystem, including travel agencies, online booking platforms, and smaller carriers, has been slow to embrace the technology. This fragmented uptake has created a disconnect in the flow of information, limiting the widespread implementation of NDC and its benefits.

Another issue is interoperability. The travel industry is a complex network of stakeholders, each using different systems and technologies. Integrating these systems is a formidable challenge. As a result, the promised improvements in communication and personalisation have been slow to materialise.

Additionally, the travel industry operates within a highly regulated environment, with strict standards and compliance requirements. The gradual pace of regulatory adjustments and the hesitancy of some stakeholders to navigate these changes have impeded the swift implementation of NDC. Adapting to new protocols and ensuring compliance with existing regulations is a time-consuming process that has contributed to the delay.

For a smooth transition to NDC, the travel industry requires a more concerted, collaborative effort otherwise the universal adoption of the new distribution capabilities will continue to disappoint.

At Journey Mentor, we’ve watched as the industry struggles to provide the best service while coping with inadequate technology solutions. That’s why our range of tools integrate both GDS and globally available NDC content, alongside local content, in a unified platform, speedily and seamlessly offering the best of all worlds.

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