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For a better journey

Journey Mentor boosts airlines’ revenues, efficiency and customer loyalty. From e-commerce portals to dynamic revenue management.

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Airplane flying in sunset sky
Air details mobile version
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Solutions that make flying more profitable

Out-dated systems can be costly or worse. Journey Mentor’s low-custom, hi-tech products maximize revenue and minimize airline ‘fails’.

Dynamic availability

Value right out of the box

Adjusts your airline’s availability for instant competitive actions in all distribution channels. Compare schedules, match prices and determine impacts – increasing revenue from day one. No calibration required.

flight mentor interface
air results frame
iphone mockup with trip mentor interface

Real-time data retrieval

Crucial info when & where it’s needed

Shops multiple competing providers to identify conditions that require instant competitive actions to maximise revenues. No time lags in receiving vital data – supports live decision-making.

Easy implementation

Works with you

Made for our customers’ specific environments, Journey Mentor solutions are easy to implement. They deliver immediate revenue results and work with existing processes. No downtime plus staff training.

flight mentor interface
itinerary summary flight mentor
flight mentor interface
Itinerary summary frame

Group booking model

Large groups made easy

Journey Mentor’s Group Acceptance Model uses price, capacity and time to calculate the price at which a group should be accepted by an airline. Helps ensure large party decisions yield maximum revenue.


Trip Mentor
  • E-commerce portal
  • Revenue Maximizer TechnologyR
  • Concurrent multi searches
  • User-personalized

Flight Mentor

  • Compare schedules
  • Match prices
  • Determine impact
  • Suggests actions
  • Dynamic availability
Loyalty Mentor
  • New loyalty system based on asset-backed currency
  • System-compatible
  • Easy manage
  • Buy Tally

Agent Mentor

  • Bolt-on for Trip Mentor
  • Agents serve travellers direct
  • Measure performance
  • Get agent reports

Frequently asked questions

Who are we?

Challenges like rising demand and staff shortages are exacerbated by outdated airline technology. Journey Mentor has created an improved generation of systems to fix today’s problems.

What’s the tech?

We apply advances in parallel processing, communications, UI/UX and data management for faster, cheaper, more robust solutions. Technologies are native to B2B, designed for SaaS delivery and multi-tenancy.

Just for airlines?

Journey Mentor is for the entire industry. Our products solve specific problems eg Flight Mentor for airlines, Tour Mentor for agents and some like Loyalty Mentor are common.

Just products?

No. Our comprehensive commercial offering includes: Shared services – write once and use for all products, save time/cost. Professional services – generate significant revenues eg fare structures, margins.

Why Trip Mentor?

It has features our competitors don’t eg prices entire itinerary as a unit – continues to find a better deal after payment – personalized for each user – easy re-shops – uses Revenue Maximizer TechnologyR.

What about performance?

Regular health checks optimise the benefits of products. They assess how well clients’ operations, systems, structures and process are aligned. Alongside training and consultancy, they ensure clients achieve maximum value.

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