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Take a more
profitable trajectory

Trip Mentor is our flagship B2B2C e-commerce portal for airlines. The latest technologies power revenues and offer customers a service competitors will envy.

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Trip mentor interface on the laptop
Trip mentor search details frame
itinerary summary for booking technology

Product summary

Does your CFO smile enough?

Customers will love it, staff will be happy and CFOs impressed. Trip Mentor is an e commerce portal +. Unique Revenue Maximizer technologyR powers profits from day one. Sell high-profit bundles with ease.

Industry-leading technologies enable fast processing for users to search, filter, book and more. Personalized ‘fit’ for each user.

Consumers can search hundreds of services simultaneously. Trip Mentor continues searching deals up to 24-hrs before take-off. If a customer opts to swap to a cheaper deal, you’re rewarded too.

Trip mentor white iphone mockup


New horizons for travellers

Trip Mentor shops hundreds of suppliers for travellers simultaneously, isolates the best deals. Hunt by attribute or relative dates. Search air, hotel, car and special offers. Single or multiple destinations. Check the shortest route. Get alerts and destination info.


Multiple travel mode bookings, a single transaction

Trip Mentor capitalizes on bundled prices from suppliers to price an entire itinerary as one unit. It means the best possible price. Creates clarity, simplicity and consumer satisfaction.

Trip mentor blurry interface
Hotel results frame
Trip mentor iphone mockup


Increase traveller satisfaction

Trip Mentor enables easy changes and re-shops. Cheaper alternatives can usually be found. The search for a better deal continues up to 24-hrs before flying. If we find a cheaper deal, customers can opt to switch. We part-refund the difference.


A ‘Fit’ for every traveller

Trip Mentor uses a digital fingerprint to calculate the best individual deals based on over 20 personalized traveller preferences. Users can manage individual functions like their interests, activities and preferred suppliers.

Trip Mentor booking software
traveller Preferences and booking software

Travellers no longer need stress over missed deals. Trip Mentor actively searches the best deals, even after payment. Airlines can offer the kind of service customers really want.

GordonChairman, Journey Mentor

How do you benefit?

Features that make Trip Mentor
great for airlines include:


Easy changes and re-shops at the same or lower price – ensuring customer satisfaction.

Intermodal Packaging

Streamlines the process for simplicity and clarity – and you can provide better prices.

Journey mentor travel technology interface with dynamic availability
Integration of your content

Encourages travellers to spend money/loyalty points with you. Works with Loyalty Mentor.

Journey Money

Easy pay. Travellers can pay by card or part pay from Tally balance on loyalty account.

A woman walks through the airport with a beige luggage
Hands holding blue passports with tickets
journey mentor travel technology

Book your free demo today

Learn more about the amazing things Journey Mentor can do for your airline. Find out how our technologies maximize your revenues and improve your customers’ experience.

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